Perfect Timing-Trusting God

I have had my domain since 2015. I have posted a few blogs and recipes over the years. Now that it’s been 7 years, I am ready to contribute more frequently. It’s been too long and I don’t have any excuses. I do have a lot of experience and recipes to share. Experiences that align with God’s timing.

Timing is everything. I know this sounds like a cliche but when it is aligned with God’s plan for your life, the timing of things becomes perfect. Here is an example of a perfect day I experienced on Sunday. The night before I decided to attend Easter service in person and not online. I have been mostly watching online worship services my church makes available on YouTube. A lot of my commute depends on a ferry system and weekends tend to be busier for traveling back and forth.

Once I made it there arriving early, I sat in the middle of a long pew. I sat alone at first. I got up to hug a friend and say hello. Soon afterward service began. Before I knew it, I was anchored by my cousin and two more friends. It was as if God knew that these three people were just who I wanted to be near me. It was perfect.

Being it was Easter, the sermon was about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as told by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15. From the hymns sung first to the communion, giving, and message, worshipping our risen Savior was perfect. I intended to leave right after the sermon but I hadn’t seen my cousin and my friends sitting next to me in quite some time. I talked with my cousin first while my friends waited to talk with me. Afterward, others came by and I walked to others as well to say hello and hug them. By the time I made it down to the doors to leave, my Pastor asked me to stop so we could talk. All of God’s orchestration of conversation and timing was perfect.

I needed to meet up with Roger who had to arrange for a giant beam to be delivered earlier. We arranged to meet at noon. I was 10 minutes late but we met at a better location because of the timing which allowed us to get to our next location on time. Perfect timing.

Our afternoon began and ended spending time with our oldest grandsons over brunch in a restaurant on Lake Washington. The boys needed our attention and we needed to be needed. I prayed before our sit down and God delivered. His words spoke through me. God used Roger and his experience to relate to our oldest grandson. And God used my listening skills and allowed His compassion to lean into my conversation with our younger grandson. God provided good food for thought at our table. His peace and His love were perfect timing. Perfect timing and the right timing, trusting and obeying God’s timing.