Staying Focus

To tell you the truth, staying focused can be hard. At least for me, staying focused is something I have to work at. Sometimes I feel as though my mind is on overload, but with everything going on around me and you in the world, it isn’t difficult to understand why there is a lack of focus or the inability to pay attention at times.

However, I have learned and continue to refine my thoughts to focus on praying for guidance and for help when I am overwhelmed. God can provide wisdom when I ask for His guidance and His will in the time or place or even the attitude of better direction. He will also be a, “very present help in trouble…” These words are from the Bible in Psalm 46, verse 1, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (NIV)

Furthermore, relying on God’s strength assures my focus is on track. I can adjust my thoughts when I surrender my lack of focus or my racing thoughts to the God who loves me. He wants me to allow Him to take on my lack of focus, fears, doubts, anxieties, or burdens.

Finally, there is real peace, and a content heart full of joy when I give God my inabilities. I find I have an accomplishment that comes from His redirecting me to see what is really important. I am able to be present and engaged. My thoughts are clearer, as is my new focus. I love the way He sums it up in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV)

Perfect Timing-Trusting God

I have had my domain since 2015. I have posted a few blogs and recipes over the years. Now that it’s been 7 years, I am ready to contribute more frequently. It’s been too long and I don’t have any excuses. I do have a lot of experience and recipes to share. Experiences that align with God’s timing.

Timing is everything. I know this sounds like a cliche but when it is aligned with God’s plan for your life, the timing of things becomes perfect. Here is an example of a perfect day I experienced on Sunday. The night before I decided to attend Easter service in person and not online. I have been mostly watching online worship services my church makes available on YouTube. A lot of my commute depends on a ferry system and weekends tend to be busier for traveling back and forth.

Once I made it there arriving early, I sat in the middle of a long pew. I sat alone at first. I got up to hug a friend and say hello. Soon afterward service began. Before I knew it, I was anchored by my cousin and two more friends. It was as if God knew that these three people were just who I wanted to be near me. It was perfect.

Being it was Easter, the sermon was about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, as told by the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15. From the hymns sung first to the communion, giving, and message, worshipping our risen Savior was perfect. I intended to leave right after the sermon but I hadn’t seen my cousin and my friends sitting next to me in quite some time. I talked with my cousin first while my friends waited to talk with me. Afterward, others came by and I walked to others as well to say hello and hug them. By the time I made it down to the doors to leave, my Pastor asked me to stop so we could talk. All of God’s orchestration of conversation and timing was perfect.

I needed to meet up with Roger who had to arrange for a giant beam to be delivered earlier. We arranged to meet at noon. I was 10 minutes late but we met at a better location because of the timing which allowed us to get to our next location on time. Perfect timing.

Our afternoon began and ended spending time with our oldest grandsons over brunch in a restaurant on Lake Washington. The boys needed our attention and we needed to be needed. I prayed before our sit down and God delivered. His words spoke through me. God used Roger and his experience to relate to our oldest grandson. And God used my listening skills and allowed His compassion to lean into my conversation with our younger grandson. God provided good food for thought at our table. His peace and His love were perfect timing. Perfect timing and the right timing, trusting and obeying God’s timing.

I actually found time today for positive thought and thankfulness

A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks. For example, my husband hurt his back, which has brought pain to his leg, which has affected his mobility. Fortunately, his emotional state is pretty good. I believe his spirits are up due to our grand kids having been around for most of the time. And they have been little angels of joy around grandpa. I think this has had a positive effect on my husband. Likewise, being able to see grandpa more has had a positive effect on the grand kids too. Grandpa is usually helping out others or working with others and the grand kids do not see him as much as they see me. This idea of grand kids enjoying seeing their grandpa even though they know his leg hurts, was one of many positive thoughts I had today, and for this I am thankful.

Another positive thought I had today had to do with acceptance. I had to do many things for others today. I did not get a lot done for me. Throughout the day, I found a sense of peace about the fact that my entire day was centered around helping and accommodating others. In so doing, everyone around me was at peace too. It was wonderful. I stopped to check in with those around me. I was able to hold on and hug a bit longer. I cheerfully helped without grumbling. And while I helped, I engaged in positive self talk. For example, when alone in my thoughts, if I started to think negative, I stopped myself and countered that thought with something positive instead. Soon, I only thought about pleasant things and enjoyed moments of gratitude.

Today before my day began, I thought about what it was that I love to do. I told myself that whatever I love to do was right under my nose. I had forgotten about that until now but here is what I did today in regard to what I love. First, I made old fashioned oatmeal for two.

1 cup old fashioned rolled oats

2 cups boiling water, salted to taste (about 1/2 tsp.)

Stir oats into boiling salted water for about 3 minutes, then remove from heat and cover with lid. Go do something for 5 to 10 minutes (set a timer). Come back and serve up in 2 serving bowls and add the following:

1 Tbsp. flaxseed meal in each bowl

2 Tbsp. raisins in each bowl

1/4 cup hot milk (or coconut, almond, rice) in each bowl

1 tsp. sugar or honey in each bowl


I also made homemade pizza with Trader Joes refrigerated pizza dough. I don't have pictures but I cut up green olives (1/2 cup) and 1/4 of a red onion. 

I spread about 4 oz. of Trader Joes pizza sauce on top of the stretched out pizza dough shaped on a pizza pan. I sprinkled the green olives and red onions on top of the pizza sauce, and then I sprinkled 1/2 cup assorted shredded cheeses. I do not like a lot of cheese so mine was mostly hard cheese like Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano with a little Mozzarella. Here is the secret trick to making the pizza perfect- the oven needs to be preheated and it should be hot about 450 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes. It was perfect.

Finally, I built a fire today around 4:30 PM. I sat in front of it and counted my blessings. It was a day that I spent time on my knees, hugging a few of my grandkids, caretaking, texting, talking to insurance companies and doctors, and even some office work from home. It was a positively busy day but not a stressful one and for that I am truly thankful.



The Good and Bad with Being 50 Plus Years Old

So much about being a woman and getting older is about embracing the journey. If you take the time to listen to others, you find that you can be a good friend, a wonderful wife, and a loving grandmother. Even more, someone who has compassion from lived experiences or as an advocate for others. But there are two ways of looking at getting older, bad and good. I am not a negative thinker so I always spin the bad into a positive. On the other hand, the good is all good and it gets better with time.

There's one bad thing about getting older and it’s not really bad at all. Unfortunately, you cannot wear the cute little clothes you wore in your twenties and thirties. That said, here's the good:

First, you can take time to work on yourself. For example, you can make time to exercise every day. You probably have a little more time on your hands so why not make the most of it? Even if your life is full of work or school or family, you are the captain of your domain. So, why not find what makes you feel good and strong both inside and outside? Commit to a short-term 30-day exercise routine [find what works for you] for 30 minutes a day. If you only make 20 or 15 days, you have done well. Of course, you can do better in the next 30 days!

Second, you can take risks by stating what you want out of life. Imagine wanting a new career or job with more flexibility for a better work-life balance. Figure out what you are really good at and once more, commit to making what makes you happy, known. If you have a job, can you work one less day a week? If you need to look for a new job, look for one that advertises job flexibility and negotiates your must-have terms. You are a big girl now and you know what makes you a happy, productive team member.

Last, pray for wisdom. Wisdom is not because you are in your fifties [although it is good to get older and wiser] but because you need to keep your mind sharp to make great decisions. The first great decision you can make is to love and trust in God who is always ready to give you wisdom if you ask for it.  "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you" (New International Version, James 1:5).

Finally, the term good and bad is used in many different ways. I prefer to look at my life, a woman in my fifties and getting older, as a good thing. I am constantly learning and watching the world change. Life is short. I think it is a waste of time dwelling on anything that feels or is negative. So if life isn't all you want it to be-change it, change yourself, and help to change the world for others. It all starts with you and that is good.


Thankful Today

Recently, I read a devotional piece that reflected on how important it is to include God in the minutiae of decisions and events of every day life.  It made good since so I decided to give it a try.  During that day I chose to be intentional about asking for God's guidance with every decision I made.  It was pretty awesome to think about how I could rely on God and forget about the worry of making the right choice or finding the best solution to a problem.  At the same time, I was intentional in the way I prayed.  

Likewise, whenever something came up that needed my attention, I prayed a prayer of gratitude for the concern and I left it at that.  For example, a situation happened where I was emotionally disappointed.  Praying a prayer of gratitude for the experience brought instant relief from the heartache.  There were other remembrances from that day of including God in everything and in the little things.  I mostly remember not asking God for anything. As a matter of fact, I just prayed out loud that the situation belonged in His hands.  I thanked God for being there for me.  I trusted that whatever the outcome, it would be His will, not mine.   Hence, I continue to be thankful each day for many things.

All in all, there is no better time to be thankful than today.  Whether it is a holiday or any time that is granted and being able to break away to relax, play, or rest in love is so important.  It is days like today that allow for someone else to take the load off, the worry away, and the decisions to be made.  That someone else is God.  The great, I am.  "After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”(Genesis 15:1, NIV).  Thank you, Lord, for each and every day. It is a joy to rely on you. 

Just Do It (when God says so)

Funny how when you finally act on God's prompting, life makes sense.  The things you dream about start to happen and there is inner peace no matter what is happing around you.  Another beautiful thing happens, your eye begins to see things as God intended them to be.  Let me take you through a journey of the last twelve months of my life.  This will be the condensed version.

First, I have been hearing God say to me to write for a lot longer than I can remember.  For example, before I went back to school to get my degree in Psychology, I was all set to major in business.  After applying and going in to register, I felt His presence and I changed my mind about the business degree.  So, I declared an interest in the Psychology program and I have not ever looked back.  I am currently in the last semester of my undergraduate degree program.  I know that God guided me to this decision so that I would get a lot of practice writing.  My confidence in being able to put my thoughts on paper in a way that engages you, my reader, is not great.  However, my faith in God to use me to write and create as a witness of His goodness is truly wonderful.

In the same way, when you believe that God loves you for who you are just as you are; you cannot help but grow closer in your relationship with Him.  When you are closer to God, you see things from a different perspective.  The view is sweet.  For example, you begin to forgive others more quickly.  There is no need to criticize or judge.  You appreciate simple things and all things.  You love freely and you want to spend more time finding out how to love more.

Conversely, in this past year, there have been rough spots to get through and roadblocks to maneuver around but all in all those things have strengthened my resolve and my faith.  Furthermore, it has been in those times that I have learned to rely on God's strength.  In contrast, when I tried to take control it usually ended in misguided selfishness or pride.  I mostly ended up feeling bad because I kept doing it wrong or I hurt someone else's feelings. 

All things considered, I have learned that when I am honest with God about my inability to solve all my problems or take control of situations that I cannot handle well- He changes my perspective.  I hear God better and better each day.  It has been in these last twelve months that I write more than ever.  Writing is also helping me articulate words verbally.  That said, I still have a long way to go.  I am praying about speaking clearer, especially to an audience.  I know that when I can speak to what is on my heart, it is clear.  I love listening to His voice.  I love seeing what He wants me to see.  I am appreciative of these past twelve months.

Happy Birthday, Mateus!  We are celebrating you this weekend, you are precious and sweet and growing up right before our eyes. I love you, grandson.

The Truth in Love

I love, LOVE.  There is nothing better than love, real love, God's love.  For me, God's love is all about letting go of selfish behavior. I am on a journey to seek more of the love of God, trusting Him to show me how to love first.  Putting love first in all things, especially for my family.  The world that surrounds my husband, kids and grandkids need God's love and me modeling God's love.  I love you Lord God for loving me and for so much abundant love forever.


Good Friends

I am so thankful for good friends.  Good friends are a blessing .  I use to wonder why I have the kind of friends that seem okay with me as a friend.  I mean I am not that great of a friend.  For example, I am usually busy with work, now with school (I am a student), with activities, and with family.  Through the grace of God, these friends are always there for me.  Similarly, I love the people I call friends.  We can always pick up from where we left off, no matter how long the timespan.  My prayer is that I can begin to spend more time with my friends now that I am beginning to write.

I want to tell my friends something about how God recently used them to speak wisdom in my life.  First, I know my friends have been praying for me.  Mostly, their prayers have been to spend more time together.  Second, these wonderful people I call friends have all spoken wisdom to me; the kind of wisdom that aligns with how His Holy Spirit is speaking to me. Third, I feel God's love when I am with my friends or when I talk, think, and pray for my friends.

Furthermore, I have been thinking about, praying for and thanking God for each of them everyday.  I miss spending time with my friends.  And just for clarification, my friends are also my family members.  To illustrate, my oldest granddaughter who is four years old, regularly asks me if I have more time to spend with her.  It breaks my heart that I do not have the luxury at this point in time to visit her at preschool or spend the afternoon with her at the park.  I thank God for her, her sister and my grandsons.  

To wrap this up for today, I would say that I was raised to believe that if you have one friend, count your blessings.  I am thankful for many friends.  From my husband, children, grandchildren and family; to my oldest long term friends and friends so dear, to my church family and cohort.  Counting my blessings...

Growing and Changing in God

I have been reading a wonderful book called Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation (The Transforming Center Set) by, Ruth Haley Barton. I am growing and changing in my relationship with our God.  And our God and in particular my relationship with Him is revealing His desire for me to write.  I came to find this book through a good friend name, Matt W. (thanks Matt!) 

Presently, I finished the chapter on considering the Sabbath as God intended it to be.  Being able to redefine what a day of rest looks like for me personally is beginning to take shape at least in my mind.  For me, Sabbath means rest and relaxation and I put some of it into practice today.  I went to Church at a later hour than usual, I carpooled with a friend and her sister, I kissed and hugged some good elderly friends, I witnessed vulnerability of my pastor. Upon returning home, I finished roasting a turkey breast, baked pumpkin (and seeds) and apples, made mashed potatoes and chopped up veggies for an avocado and olive oil dressed salad. Only Roger ate the turkey with everything and I ate only the fruits, seeds, and veggies.  I am currently on the Daniel fast (Daniel, chapter 1).  The fast is another way I am deepening my relationship with our God for an extended period of time.

Once again, observing my Sabbath today included taking a nap and reading.  I have decided that while I needed the rest today, making this a ongoing routine will need to include my entire family as much as possible.  The Sabbath should include spending precious unstressed time with those who are a part of my life.  I can see it evolving into inclusion of others at certain times when we all have the need to belong.  This of course means, friends too.   

What this day of Sabbath does not mean is working and being stressed out.  If I have not finished some chore, it will have to wait until my Sabbath is over.  God wants all of me at my very best.  I can be as creative as I am made to be on the day He created for me to be free from worry, work or stress.  My Sabbath is officially over for the day. It felt good today to be mindful of this very special day, set aside to appreciate God and His goodness.  It feels good to write about it too.  Grateful, gratefulness.

My First

This is my very first blog.  I have been writing this page for so long and have revised it many times, mostly due to the fear of posting.  Today, I feel ready to put myself out there and share what is on my heart with you.  So here goes.

The other day, I sat in a church parking lot finishing up my homework for a Women's Bible Study (BSF) I currently attend.  It was a beautiful evening and I was reflecting on the lesson God spoke into my heart this week.  I happened to look over to the car that pulled in next to me and saw another woman not getting out of her car.  The evening was setting in and it was still about another 45 minutes to the beginning of class.  I had turned the flashlight on my phone to finish my last two questions.  The woman in the car never turned any lights on in her car.  I tried not to look too hard but she was not reading or even sleeping; she was eating a giant hamburger and drinking a large drink in the darkening evening.  I remember thinking that she looked lonely.  Was I judging her somehow?  I finished my homework and got out of my car to go inside.  I did not think about her the rest of the night.

After Bible study, I headed back to my car.  I deliberately looked inside her car.  She had parked under a church parking lot lamp that had come on for the evening and it showed her car's contents.  The woman had a lot of clutter including a lot of fast food bags and old wrappers, clothes, boxes; a lot of stuff.  It seemed to me and I saw that the inside of her car looked lonely, if that even makes sense.  I got into my car recalling that I never saw her face only that she was eating alone in that car by herself.  I know she is learning the same lesson I am learning this week.  I know how that lesson is changing me.  I pray, Dear Lord, that your love for her fills any perceive loneliness thoughts I wonder about for her.  I thank you for her.  Thank you for loving us both so much, that we do not have to ever be alone in you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

I must add a praise to God for today is my son's 35th birthday...Happy Birthday, Adrian- I love you so much! I thank God for you! Mom