Good Friends

I am so thankful for good friends.  Good friends are a blessing .  I use to wonder why I have the kind of friends that seem okay with me as a friend.  I mean I am not that great of a friend.  For example, I am usually busy with work, now with school (I am a student), with activities, and with family.  Through the grace of God, these friends are always there for me.  Similarly, I love the people I call friends.  We can always pick up from where we left off, no matter how long the timespan.  My prayer is that I can begin to spend more time with my friends now that I am beginning to write.

I want to tell my friends something about how God recently used them to speak wisdom in my life.  First, I know my friends have been praying for me.  Mostly, their prayers have been to spend more time together.  Second, these wonderful people I call friends have all spoken wisdom to me; the kind of wisdom that aligns with how His Holy Spirit is speaking to me. Third, I feel God's love when I am with my friends or when I talk, think, and pray for my friends.

Furthermore, I have been thinking about, praying for and thanking God for each of them everyday.  I miss spending time with my friends.  And just for clarification, my friends are also my family members.  To illustrate, my oldest granddaughter who is four years old, regularly asks me if I have more time to spend with her.  It breaks my heart that I do not have the luxury at this point in time to visit her at preschool or spend the afternoon with her at the park.  I thank God for her, her sister and my grandsons.  

To wrap this up for today, I would say that I was raised to believe that if you have one friend, count your blessings.  I am thankful for many friends.  From my husband, children, grandchildren and family; to my oldest long term friends and friends so dear, to my church family and cohort.  Counting my blessings...