My First

This is my very first blog.  I have been writing this page for so long and have revised it many times, mostly due to the fear of posting.  Today, I feel ready to put myself out there and share what is on my heart with you.  So here goes.

The other day, I sat in a church parking lot finishing up my homework for a Women's Bible Study (BSF) I currently attend.  It was a beautiful evening and I was reflecting on the lesson God spoke into my heart this week.  I happened to look over to the car that pulled in next to me and saw another woman not getting out of her car.  The evening was setting in and it was still about another 45 minutes to the beginning of class.  I had turned the flashlight on my phone to finish my last two questions.  The woman in the car never turned any lights on in her car.  I tried not to look too hard but she was not reading or even sleeping; she was eating a giant hamburger and drinking a large drink in the darkening evening.  I remember thinking that she looked lonely.  Was I judging her somehow?  I finished my homework and got out of my car to go inside.  I did not think about her the rest of the night.

After Bible study, I headed back to my car.  I deliberately looked inside her car.  She had parked under a church parking lot lamp that had come on for the evening and it showed her car's contents.  The woman had a lot of clutter including a lot of fast food bags and old wrappers, clothes, boxes; a lot of stuff.  It seemed to me and I saw that the inside of her car looked lonely, if that even makes sense.  I got into my car recalling that I never saw her face only that she was eating alone in that car by herself.  I know she is learning the same lesson I am learning this week.  I know how that lesson is changing me.  I pray, Dear Lord, that your love for her fills any perceive loneliness thoughts I wonder about for her.  I thank you for her.  Thank you for loving us both so much, that we do not have to ever be alone in you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

I must add a praise to God for today is my son's 35th birthday...Happy Birthday, Adrian- I love you so much! I thank God for you! Mom